
Grassroots Initiatives works to empower organizations and agencies to better reach their goals. We assist advocacy groups, membership organizations, labor unions and others to become more diverse, participatory and effective. We work with human service agencies, schools and other nonprofits on organizational issues and strategies to develop stronger ties to the community.

  • Community Organizing - Training to groups working for positive change, including leadership development, engagement, and the effective use of strategies and tactics.

  • Legislative/Political Campaigns - Mobilizing at the grassroots to influence legislation and to elect individuals to public office.

  • Marketing/Communications- Promoting your organization through community outreach, social media, the internet and print media.

  • Program and Evaluation - Consulting on projects and programs to best meet the needs of the community, including evaluation services.

  • Fund Development - Researching funding sources, preparing grant applications, developing fundraising plans, consulting on special events and fundraising appeals.

  • Organizational Development - Developing your group’s internal capacity to be most effective and to sustain itself over the long term.